
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What I Learned This Year.

Ahh, it was a wonderful year.
Kind of. Sort of. Not really. It's had a lot of ups, and it has had a lot of downs. This year, however, I honestly feel like I've come more and more into my own. I've learned a lot about life, my field of choice, and about myself.
The thing that I learned that has the complete and utmost important is to be you first. Do things that make you happy. Like things that only impress you, not the people that you want to impress. If they like you, then they will like you for you.
What really taught me this was meeting someone who I really thought that I liked. This person was really into music. To impress him, I began listening to music such as Mayday Parade, and Sleeping With Sirens. I used to like them when I was younger and more emotional. As I got older, I traded it in for more mature rock. At the time, I did like it.
When things went south with this person, I began to slowly but surely dislike the music. (It's not because of him, it just wasn't really my thing.) In its' place I began to discover music that I really liked it. Enter Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Beyonce, Tegan and Sara, and The Pretty Reckless to name a few. I deleted the who emo music, and ever since then, I've honestly been more into putting what I like into my headphones, not what others think I should.
Although I am guilty of liking what a guy that I was interested in, I will say that it will never, ever, happen again. I honestly don't think it's worth it because if you're going to like someone, than you're going to like them for well them. I think it's important to like what you like, without the pretense of others judging you. This started with my music collection.
My iPod, if you looked at it, you'd probably wonder what the heck is going on with it. There's Beyonce, then there's Aerosmith. Then you've got She and Him, Taylor Swift, Drake, and Quiet Riot. It's a whole Motley Crue going on in my iPod. And I can care less.
I am going to like what I like and haters are going to hate, hate, hate.
So, that's what I learned over this past year. I've learned other things, such as AP style, but this is something that truly is importance in my opinion.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014.

It's hard to believe that just as fast as Christmas came, it's over. Soon, we'll be taking down the trees, and undecking the halls. Before we do, let me fill you in on what my Christmas holiday celebrations consisted of.  I am a little late by most blogging standards, since many bloggers that I follow posted about Christmas yesterday, but better late than never, right?
Christmas Cookies.
Christmas Eve: Being from a mostly Italian background, Christmas Eve is the bigger holiday. We eat a lot of fish, and my mom's side of the family gets together to open gifts. This year, I got gift cards and a cupcake Alex and Ani!
Earlier that day, Gabriel and Bethany stopped by to deliver my Christmas presents, as well as exchange with the both of them. They loved their presents, and they gave me a pair of earrings and a gift card to get Thai food!
Christmas Day: Unfortunately, I didn't wake up to the excitement of Santa, but rather a stomach ache. That wasn't fun. However, after that, Christmas began to proceed as usual. My mom and I opened our presents, and then we went to my grandma's to have Christmas food. (Lasagna for everyone; leftover chicken for me.) It was a casual holiday, but a fun one.
How was your Christmas? Let me know in the comments below! 

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Grand Illusion

Once upon a princess becomes a damsel in distress. Or she's just your average celebrity starring in a romanic comedy of some sort. Either way, there's something about the stories that many are leaving out. And that is...well any sense of reality.
The thing with stories and fairy tales is that they heighten our expectations. They heighten our expectations in relationships, in life, and in the whole spectrum of everything. Because of them we believe in grand romantic gestures, and having the guy do things that are well grand. Well, newsflash honey. Nora Ephron and John Hughes didn't direct your life.
Now that we've got that straight, we realize that these movies often do one thing. That is, my friends, put pressure on our relationships. This makes us want the whole monologue from our significant others, or potential ones. And when we don't get them, we question what is going on. Why isn't he telling me that I'm the only like Mr. Big?
It's cause it's a movie.
One of the things about modern day relationships is that there's so much comparison. That is the problem. We compare ourselves to the many movies that we've seen in our lifetime. We compare ourselves to our many friends on social media, such as when someone professes their love in a Facebook status or in a thousand couples selfies. It's cute at first, but honestly it's annoying. We then examine our relationships because then we realize something. They are not the same like those on the silver screen.
And that's okay.
As Styx would say "It's a grand illusion, because deep inside we're all the same." I believe those lyrics are true because each and every relationship is the same at the end of the day. Each relationship is built on love and with trust on the side. We often get lost in the glitz and the glamor of the Facebook likes, and the Insta selfies.
Instead of looking at the things to compare our lives to, let us instead worry about the way that things are. Relationships, are awesome and complicated enough as it is. Let's stop comparing them to other things, and realize that what we have in front of us is pretty damn good. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Sunny With a Side of Doubt

Doubt is something that each and every one of us is encontered with having. If you are like me then you doubt everything. You doubt your relationships, you doubt your life choices, and you doubt whether you should have said that thing to that person. Sometimes, we just have to a hot side of doubt to go along with the normal pressures of life.
The question here is why do we doubt things? We constantly encounter people that will often, for lack of better term, rain on our parade. They will put ideas in our heads, and tell you that you are not good enought to do whatever it is that you want to do. If you have a relationship issue, the sure statistic can be a pessimistic outlook. Like the statistic that long distance relationships don't work. I saw this in the Carrie Diaries recently, where Carrie and Sebastian deal with long distance relationship issues. Samantha and Larissa try to burst her bubble. Carrie brushes them off, but once Sebastian begins to engage in not being able to talk then the doubt takes over.
People like to be real with you, even if your head is in the clouds. Give that to an optimist who then wants nothing more than to become the exception. There are exceptions, but there are also things out there that once planted in your head can grow out to a huge tree. Doubt can start out as a side dish but soon become the main course. 
The best solution of doubt is to first mute all of the voices in your head that tell you otherwise. It is hard to do because people like to talk and have their voices heard. However, sometimes you need to forgo the hates. Taylor Swift said it best "haters gonna hate hate hate." 
For all of you have something to doubt, first let me ask you if the doubt is reasonable. If you're doubting your relationship then wonder if you are basing it on your insecurity or past experiences. If you are doubting your competitence of a career than ask yourself why. Did someone tell you that because you did something wrong, or were they jealous of how skillled you were. 
Reasonable doubt comes to play here. We can use reasonable doubt to get out of a trial without looking like a bad person. But in life,there is a different approach. If you doubt that you're unhappy with your partner and decide to leave them, then you look like a terrible person in the society.
Why do we doubt ourselves? Or, most importantly, why do we doubt the relationships that we have or the paths we choose? 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Letter 2014

I originally said on Facebook that I was going on a blogging holiday for today and tomorrow. However, I saw this wonderful post from Nina from the lovely blog The Grand Adventures of Me, and was inspired to do my own take on it. So, here's my own Christmas letter. Merry Christmas fellow readers. Tomorrow, I will not be posting. I know that I have said that before, however, this time I actually mean it. 
You know you love me. 

Dear readers on Finding My Voice;
Merry Christmas to all of you! I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a great day filled with presents, and cookies. I will be spending Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. Since we're Italian, we have lots of food, and goodies. On Christmas Day, I will be spending it with my mom as well. We are a very low key kind of family, but that's our style.
2014 has been a crazy year, but in a good way. I've learned a lot about myself and the person that I want to be. I've officially switched my major to Journalism this past fall, in addition to a minor in Creative Writing. Ever since then, I have not looked back on that decision. At this point, I am looking at internships and graduate schools. I am also working on the decision on whether or not I will actually attend graduate school, or choose to work right after my undergraduate graduation.
In May, I've become the opinions editor at my college newspaper. Although at first it was hectic, I have the privilege of working a job that I have fallen head over heels for. I also have been working a lot at my school's library, which is a good job to have.
I've also have the opportunity to celebrate my 20th birthday in July. I went to the beach, which is one of my favorite places to go to. I went with the people that I am closest with,  and their names are Griffin, Gabriel, and Elisia. In addition to that, I spent the summer getting to see Griffin graduate high school, went on countless trips to the beach, and going on adventures with my best friend Gabriel.
In addition to that, I finally had gotten my license. I got it on my second try, but now I never have to go to driving school, nor never taking the dreaded test again. I am in the process of registering my car, whose name Rosie Rhonda. (Her name was originally Rosie, but since she's a Honda, I thought Rhonda would be a good name.)
One of the best things however about this year? I've discovered Netflix. I got it this past March, and ever since then I've been hooked. I've discovered shows such as Gossip Girl and New Girl. I've also watched movies such as Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, and An Officer and A Gentleman. Since it's only $8 a month and you can get all that you want for one low price, the main question here is why aren't you subscribed to Netflix?
Overall, it's been a good year. It's had it's ups and downs, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Not everything can be going smoothly, and I learned that the hard way. The biggest lesson of all that I learned this year? Everything happens for a reason.
Merry Christmas, and this is the end of 2014. Let's make 2015 a good one.
PS: Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Welcome Home, Gabriel

Last Thursday, one of my best friends had returned home. Their name, for those of you who are new around these parts on the internet, is Gabriel. They have been in Saint Paul Minnesota for the past few months, at Maclaster college.
This time, when they came home, I had the privellage of going with Gabriel's family to the airport. I found this extremely exciting because I have never really went to the airport before, so I was excited about it.
Getting to see Gabriel come home was a really wonderful experience. I was so happy to be able to greet Gabriel off of the airplane. Although we do argue with each other pretty much all of the time, I do in fact miss them whenever they are at college. (Gabriel, if you are reading this don't get a big head.) I am so happy that I got to see you come home, and it was really exciting to pick someone up from the airport.
Gabriel will be home for a month, until they return to Mac in late January. Stay tuned for our awesome adventures!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jess Day's Pretty Rad Folk Band

How many of you like Zooey Deschanel? How many of you know that she sings? Well, she is in a lovely little band called She & Him. And before you say 'Actresses who sing as well as act aren't that great', hear me out.
She and Him is one of my favorite bands of all time. Recently, they've released an album called 'Classics'. However, they have three additional albums. They are called Volume One, Two, and Three. They also have a Christmas album as well, but I really don't have any songs from it, and have listened to it. Their music is excellent. It reminds me of songs from the sixties, and Zooey's voice reminds me of Karen Carpentar's. Her more recent stuff really has showed off how talented she really is.
Overall, if you're into folk or looking for a great band to listen to, She and Him is right for you.
Volume One: Sentimental Heart, Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?, This Is Not A Test, I Was Made For You
Volume Two: In The Sun, Ridin' In My Car, Going to Get Along Without You Now, I'm Going to Make It Better,  Brand New Shoes
Volume Three: I've Got Your Number Son, Baby, I Could've Been Your Girl, Somebody Sweet To Talk To,  Sunday Girl
Classics: Stars Fall On Alabama, Stay Awhile, Time After Time, Unchained Melody

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Checklist

In less than a week we'll anxiously be waking up, ready to open the gifts that Santa had left behind. We'll have a tray of cookies, and all of the worries that usually plague us seem to not bother us. It's the most wonderful time of year, and it's something that goes as quickly as it comes. The holiday season is the best season in my opinion, because everyone's happier, and it's socially acceptable to eat multiple kinds of cookies and spend way too much money than normal. Because this season is so short, it's important to make the most of the time that we're given. Need some ideas? Homegirl's got you covered.
Drink hot cocoa out of a Christmas mug. 

Go to a Festival of Lights. 
Bake lots of cookies. (and then eat them!) 
Read 'Let It Snow' by John Green (and other people I forgot about)
Watch Charlie Brown specials.
Drink up the gingerbread lattes. 
Enjoy the most wonderful time of year. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Things I Love Thursday: Alex and Ani Sacred Studs Om Bracelet
Alex and Ani has been one of my favorite brands and style of jewelry for a period of time. I currently have 13 from the bangle bar. However, I had always had my eye on the Sacred Studs bracelet, particularly the Om one since it's one of my favorite symbols. So, one Black Friday, I woke up to a lovely email from Alex and Ani. The email said that there was a sale on their bracelets, and that they would be 15% off.
Hello opportunity? I can hear ya knocking.
So, I decided to buy it. And honestly, I am so glad that I did. Ever since I bought it, I was extremely happy with the product. Unlike the other Alex and Ani that I own, this one gets in the way a lot less. I also like to say that it goes with everything. I always wear it, whether it's to go to work or to meet a friend.
Even though it's a little bit more expensive than the traditional Alex and Ani, I am honestly really happy with it. It's also something that is a lot different than the rest of them, for those of you who like Alex and Ani, but are not mainstream. Not many people I know have it, which is a perk to this bracelet.
If you're looking for a bracelet to give to some of the people in your life, then you should look into the Sacred Studs collection. In addition to the Om symbol, they have the lotus, the Evil Eye, and the compass to name a few. After the holidays, I am honestly considering getting the Compass or the Lotus.They also come in colors, and are available in rings, necklaces and earrings as well.
The bottom line?
This bracelet is amazing. If you're in the market for some cool jewelry, give this bracelet a try. And if you're still stuck on that person who is hard to shop for, give this a try. It's a great gift!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Religion-The Controversial Topic

There are two things that you don't discuss at dinner parties-politics and religion. In blogging, there is that same rule from my discoveries as a blogger. Well, I am going to break that rule today. I'm going to talk to you about religion.
First, let me tell you about my relationship with God.
I was born and raised Catholic. I went to CCD, which is our equilivant of Sunday school. It was on Tuesday but it still had that Sunday School vibe. Most of that was sitting there, and having to listen to an old maid tell you why you were going to hell, and drone on and on about what you should do in life. It was a very grim experience as an early teenager. Needless to say, once I made my confirmation I had no intentions to ever return to Catholic mass. 
During that time, I was romantically involved with a mormon. The relationship didn't work out for many reasons, but one was religon. His religious experences were different than my own. It was three hours-mass, Sunday school, and the young men went in one room, while the women went in the other. They discussed various issues about the Mormon faith, or otherwise the Church of Latter Day Saints. Basically, they believe that there is an extra part of the Bible. I went to a couple of Mormon church services, and thought that the experience was interesting. I have never seen people happy about their relationship with God and happy going to church. It was mindblowing. 
My best friend's parents are ECLA Lutheran ministers. And believe it or not, they are the most openminded people that I have ever met. Out of pure curiousity, I asked my friend to let me tag along with them to their Dad's church. The experience, compared to my Catholic ones, was mind blowingly different. The format of it was the same, two readings, a sermon, peace and communion. However, instead of a bunch of elderly people and children forced to be there there was people of all ages wanting to be together and joining in celebration for their love and believe in God. Their mother is the pastor at a college campus nearby, which is an extremely open enviornment that promotes curiousity. I have also found myself to be a regular at her Sunday gathering as well. 
During my exploration with religon, I have discovered something. I believe in God. I love God, and consider myself to be a practicing Christian. I am not sure if I believe in some of the things that my religious school teachers have told me, but I do believe that there is a God out there somewhere. 
I do believe that being religous has very negative connotations in the meaning of the word. For starters, you see people who have strict believes use religion as their reasoning for not having an open-mind. Religion shouldn't be your reasoning for not believing in things like gay marriage; bigotry is. When people think of someone who is religious, they think of someone who is constantly that nagging voice who tells them to always do the right thing. Well, that is so not true. 
I am surely not considered to be a pure innocent looking Catholic girl. I have done things that my Catholic school teachers would frown upon. However, I am religous. I sometimes worship on Sundays. I am not perfect, but I do believe in God. I think that is what should matter. Believing in God is something that many often believe as being this perfect litle innocent person who forces their believes onto someone, and if you don't believe in that, then you are not going to Heaven. You wait til you're married to have sex. Hell, you are married by a Catholic priest. However, that is not the complete aspect of being religious. I feel like you shouldn't be afraid of loving God for fear of being labelled as the little church person. 
We as a society need to take away the negative connotations of being religion and loving God. God is someone who is a great person. He is open, and accepting. At least I think that He is. I think that the true meaning of organized religion is to promote all of this--without judgement. 
As for me, I probably will remain Christainity.  My grandma will have a fit, but that's okay. When I have children I do not plan to force them into a world of religion but rather give them a choice to do whatever they want with religion. Instead of bombarding them with what the shoulds, I will promote them to be curious. I think that is what truely matters in life. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What I Learned This Semester

This semester came and went so quickly! I can't believe how fast it went by, and that it is almost Christmas. Today I completed my fifth semester in college. I must say that it has been one of the best semesters of my college career. I know that at the end of the semester, almost everyone says that. However, I firmly believe that because this semester changed everything.
This was my first semester working as the opinions editor for my school paper. During the last four months, I have learned so much through my field. I learned about how to use the program InDesign, which is kind of tricky. I learned how to write a book review, and to make amazing headlines. I love going to work every Monday morning, because I am surrounded with talented writers and great people.
I also have taken several classes for my major and minor. I have learned so much in my Basics of Journalism class. Each of the skills that I've learned through out the semester is only the beginning. Taking that class has made me so excited for my career as a journalist. I also took an introductory fiction class for my minor, which was a great class to take. I love taking classes about writing, even though after a while I got extremely overwhelmed with the amount of things that I had to do.
Other than that, I hung out with a few friends for the semester. I went to QU with Elisia, and I had even gotten the chance to hang out with Griffin, whose away at school at Vassar. I didn't have the chance to do as much as I would like to, however, I did not get the chance to hang out with a bunch of my friends as I have in the past. Hopefully, in the spring semester I'll devote more time to have fun.
What I learned this semester is the importance of doing what you love, and the importance of balance. Sometimes, what is good for you is different then the rest of the world. Is that okay? I'd like to think so.
So, I went out with a bang...but I'll be back to make spring semester even better. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Music Monday-Classics

She and Him is one of my favorite bands. Zooey Deschanel is one of my favorite actresses. She's talented, and the fact that she has an amazing band called She & Him is just the icing of the cake. They recently came out with an album of covers, also known as Classics.
Classics is such a beautiful album. It has a bunch of covers, some familiar, some not. The album's lead single, Stay Awhile, is one of the more unique (in a good way) songs of the album. Other songs, such as 'Unchained Melody', 'Stars Fall on Alabama', and 'Time After Time' have the smooth jazz feel to it that make the album truly amazing. Zooey's voice is amazing and it truly shines. Each of the songs on the album remind me of the music that my grandfather used to listen to, but with a more modern feel. The entire album is beautiful, and I recommend each and every one of you to listen to.
Favorite songs: 'Stars Fall on Alabama', 'Stay Awhile', 'Time After Time', 'It's Always You', and 'Unchained Melody.'

Friday, December 12, 2014

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do...When You're Not Together

Ever have this happen to you? You know a fling where you're going out on dates with someone, and you're clearly in like with them. However, your relationship status still remains to be single. Have that happen to you? Well, it's happened to me a few times and to be quite blunt it's not exactly the most fun thing in the world.
Breaking up isn't reserved for couples anymore. There are more than one way to define the relationship other than 'single' and 'in a relationship.' There's friends who have sexual relations, friends who are flirty and may go somewhere, and there's friends who were our former love interests. There's the guys that you go out on dates with however nothing happens. There are so many different kinds of relationships that do not meet the criteria of the standards on Facebook. Then, there's the obvious kind of relationships where a couple is sickening with love.
Breakups are hard to do when people are in those relationships with no definition. In the past year, I've experienced something along those lines. The steps are all of the same because there is some kind of dissolution of a relationship. You need to listen to confidence building music, (hello Beyonce), and then you need to eat tons of chocolate. Those are the prescriptions that need to be written for a breakup. Then, comes the time when you have to delete that person from your life. Take down the pictures from Facebook, and delete their name from your phone. You gotta do what you gotta do.
The way that modern day love and relationships work is that we are trained to go slow to the point where something may not end up happening. Some people are not meant to be together, that's a fact. Love is something that is similar in that.
But get back in the game, tiger. Make me proud. Just because that bum broke your heart doesn't mean that there's a shortage of other guys. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My First Birchbox Went A Little Like This..

Everyone in the blogger world seemed to be talking about this lovely thing called Birchbox. Birchbox is one of those box things were you subscribe to it, pay $10, and you get samples of beauty, makeup and life products. I choose Birchbox over Ipsy because I'm not that into makeup, and Birchbox often offers a life product.
I got my first Birchbox on Tuesday, and it was the November one, which if you share a photo of it, a dollar would be donated to AIDs research (I uploaded it onto my Facebook page, so go check out my page if you haven't already.) Me, being a Birchbox virgin, was honestly blown away by all of the products.
What was in the box? 
Camille Beckman Platinume Gold Imperial Repair Hand Therapy I am a huge fan of hand lotion, and this one has two of my favorite things-it smells really good and it makes my hands really soft. Overall, it's a good product, and I'm happy with it.
Eyeko Fat Eye Stick in Satin Taupe I am not a huge fan of eye makeup, however, I plan to give this one a try. I'm not exactly sure what it is, honestly, however, I think it's some kind of eye shadow/liner thing.
Harvey Prince Petaly Noir I like perfume, however this was a little too strong for my liking. However, it did smell pretty good, and since it's small I can keep it in my bag in case I ever forget to put perfume on in the morning.
Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint I am a huge fan of BB cream, because it's both a sunscreen and a moisturizer. I liked this because it's light and it matched my skin tone perfectly. As an added bonus, it moisturizes my skin, which is good because in the winter, my facial skin is kind of dry.
Number 4 Hair Super Comb Prep and Protect I am absolutely in love with this product. I am not much into hair products, however, this left my hair feeling soft and smelling really good.
Popcorn Chocopods Anything with the word Chocolate in it is golden, end of story.

So, that was my first Birchbox. I am looking foreword to seeing what's in next month's box, and maybe making it a monthly feature on my blog. Do you have a Birchbox? Let me know in the comments below. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Carrie Bradshaw is My Spirit Animal

The following images have been taken from my Pinterest board, I Want to Be Carrie Bradshaw. 

Carrie Bradshaw is my idol. I've been a huge fan of Sex and the City since I was in high school. The early versions of my blog were in fact modeled after Carrie's column 'Sex and the City.' I used to have a Mr. Big, who shall not be named, and named my friends after various people. However, my blog evolved from a 'Sex and the City' wannabe blog. I joke about it now, but without that blog, I wouldn't have become the writer that I have become. Carrie is my idol, and here's why.
She has relationship insecurities. Remember the episode of Sex and the City where Carrie farted in front of Big and she freaked out. Yes, that was done a little bit over the top. However, how many times has that happened to you? You freak out about something small, and then it blows up big. She was always insecure about everything. I myself can relate because I am always doubting my relationships. Yes, it's a little bit crazy, but can't you all relate?
She's a writer. She writes with her heart, which is something that I aspire to do. Her pieces and her articles are very original. I mean come on, who else could get away with writing 'who came here first-chicken or the sex?' I also have the motto what would Carrie write. Hands down, she was the original blogger and made writing cool.
I want my first legal drink to be a cosmopolitan. I can't wait til 21 just so I can get one of these and feel like a posh member of the foursome.
She's a friend first.  Carrie may have her faults, but she is a really good friend to the girls. She goes to Miranda's abortion, is Samantha's shoulder to cry on when she learns that she has breast cancer, and comes to Charlotte's rescue countless times. She sometimes ditches her friends, but at the end of the day she's a truly great friend. How many of us yearn to have lunches like Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte? I know that I have.
She makes her own rules. Carrie and Big did bridal a lot differently then anyone else. They got married on their own terms, which is something that I applaud. From the very beginning of Sex and the City, Carrie always tried to do things that were right for her. And that's something that should be applauded.
She's not good with money. Carrie has the best shoes. Hands down. She believes that money should be hanging in her closet. Who else would agree?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Decking the Halls

One of the key parts of Christmas is of course the Christmas tree. Every year around this time, you can see trees perched on rooftops, and trees in the windows of homes. For my mom and I, it's about digging out the ol' Christmas tree from the garage and making it pretty.
Since I am allergic to real Christmas trees, my mom and I often opt for fake ones. In recent years, we have gotten a white Christmas tree. Me, being the Peanuts fan that I am, have made sure that our Christmas tree has the proper amount of Snoopy ornaments. We also had Charlie Brown and Snoopy dolls that when you pressed their stomachs, Linus and Lucy would play.
Christmas tree!
Maggie is bonding with Charlie Brown and Snoopy.
Getting ready for Christmas is the sure-fire way to get me in the holiday spirit, however, any more holiday celebrations will have to wait. Finals are soon to come, and our semester won't end until a week from today. Until then, the closest thing that I'll have to celebrating Christmas is drinking out of a Snoopy Christmas mug.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Music Monday; Heartthrob

Let me tell you all a story on this lovely Cyber Monday. Once upon a time, there was a girl who couldn't drive so her friends had to drive. Griffin, if you all know who that is, was one of those friends who drove her around. Also, Griffin happened to want to 'educate' me in music. Since he always drove with a CD or the radio on, I've heard a lot of his music. Some of it wasn't my forte. (Aka Joni Mitchell.) However, one thing that I grew to like of his was the Canadian duo Tegan and Sara.
I've only really listened to their latest album, Heartthrob. It was released in 2013 and is in the genre of Indie Pop. (My personal favorite, or one of them behind classic rock.) I really like the way that this album is because it's a mixture of acoustic and pop. I really enjoy listening to this album, and own the entire album on iTunes. I recommend it for someone whose in the market for something that is catchy, yet not mainstream. If you don't want to buy the entire album, at least listen to the song 'Closer.' It's amazing, even though it's one of their more main hits.
Listen to; Closer, Love They Say, Goodbye Goodbye, I Was a Fool, and Guilty As Charged. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Books Of The Year-2014

*This is through November 22, 2014: These are books that I've read and enjoyed and may not be published in 2014

For those of you who don't know, I am a major bookworm. Since I work at a library, I have access to a ton of books, perhaps first dibs on many. I've read over 40 books this year, and I wanted to take the time to give you the books that I really loved, so maybe you'll love it too!
Just One Day, Just One Year, and Just One Night by Gayle Forman
I've read 'If I Stay' and 'Where She Went' this past year, however I found that these two were even more amazing to read in themselves. They tell the story of a couple that meets in London, goes to Paris, and then loses each other for an entire year. "Just One Day" was told in the point of view of good girl Allyson, "Just One Year" was told by Willehm, and the e-book novella "Just One Night" was told in third person point of view. I loved these books even more than "If I Stay" because it's less depressing and it's a beautiful love story. 
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
This book was such a great one to read. It's about Samantha Reed whose been watching the Garrett family next door for all of her life. However, she then makes the trip to the other side of the fence, and quickly falls for Jase Garret. This book is heartbreaking, yet beautifully written. I reccomend it, especially now that it isn't summer. 
Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers; Book of Love by Lynn Weingarten
This surprisingly took me only two days to read for both books. This is about Lucy, who is helplessly in puppy love with her boyfriend Alex. He breaks up with her on the first day back to school. She then encounters 'The Sisterhood' who break hearts for fun and become more powerful. This book is so great because it combines magic with a love story. I loved reading this and I am sure that you will too!
I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella
How romantic-this is about a girl whose engaged to someone who may or may not be right for her. However, she picks up the cell phone of someone's secretary, only to fall for the person himself. I loved this book because it has all of the class hallmarks to a chick lit story. However, it's such an interesting concept. I hope that it becomes a movie someday.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
 This is about college girl Cath and her sister Wren who are going off to college. Cath is obsessed with a Harry Potterlike series and writes fanfiction about it. It tells the story about her as she navigates her life without her sister, and without her fanfiction. I loved this book because I can relate to Cath-I honestly spend more time with books and writing as you can tell. Rowell, writes a lot of interesting books from 'Eleanor and Park' and a book that I have yet to read called 'Landline'. Great books!
What have you been reading? Let me know so I can check it out!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Blogging Announcement!

Hey guys!
So, winter break is fast approaching, which allows me to have a ton of free time. What does that mean for the blog? It means that my blogging schedule will be changed..well a bit.
Starting 12/15/2014, I will begin blogging again for five days a week. Yay blogging! Can't wait to spend some quality time with my blog, in addition to giving it a bit of a face-lift.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Society and the Single Girl-What Do You Want?

As a single girl, I do a lot of complaining. I complain when I can't find a guy. I complain when I find a guy and there is some sort of fault with him, such as him being too creepy. Then I complain when I meet a nice guy and there's no spark. I even complain when there's a guy that there is a spark with. My question is, what do I want? Or, what can I do to not complain anymore.
I have a friend. For privacy's sake let's call her Jane Doe. Jane is single like me and it doesn't help that we both are awkward. Jane met a guy named Tom. Tom asked her something creepy which I will not name here and now she's doubting everything about the relationship. The bottom line, we complain when we're single and we complain when we're not single. 
I question how much we know what we actually want in life. We need a compass, because we are extremely lost in this life. For those who have said for those who have wandered are not lost truly meant it. We don't know what we want. In careers, in relationships, and in general. However, with that being said, there's something that I want to know. 
Do we complain because we don't know what we want? And for that matter, do we even know what we want? Is this why women are getting married later and later in life? Get the secure career first, then the white picket fence. 
I wonder what if I will ever know what I want. And most importantly, I will wonder whether or not I will actually get what I want. 
The Smiths said "Please please please let me let me get what I want." But, what if you don't know what you want? Is it that simple?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Things I Love Tuesday: The Minimalist Movement

                         Left to right: Hamza (QVC); N (Fifth & Mae); Owl (Kohls); Italian Horn (Etsy)
Whoever said go big or go home is clearly a liar. Little jewelry can pack a big punch. I am a huge can of smaller jewelry, particularly necklaces. Little silver necklaces are my thing, as you can see from above. Why? Read on. 
Well, you can stack it.  The best part about these necklaces is that they can be paired with other jewelry. The owl looks great as a stacking piece, for example. And they look so adorable.
You can wear it everyday. One of the things that I look for in a necklace is the ability of it being wearable with almost anything that I wear. I usually don't take my necklaces off or change them very often so therefore wearing them is very easy. Having smaller jewelry is something is a lot lighter because it's more wearable. It's casual, too. However you can dress it up in a moment's notice.
They are (somewhat) affordable. These necklaces right here? Less than $30! You can collect them all.
Favorite brands/lines: LC by Lauren Conrad, Dogeared, and Etsy. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 Albums of the Year

2014 was a great year of music in my opinion. Between Taylor Swift to The Pretty Reckless, it was swarming with new releases. Here's my favorites from this year.

Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey 
Of course, the queen gets the top spot. Ultraviolence came out in June, yet it's still on repeat. Lana is amazing with her dark music that sounds so smooth that you're constantly wanting more. My faves are 'Cruel World', 'Ultraviolence', and "West Coast', yet the entire album is amazing in itself. I love Lana, and this album.
Going to Hell by The Pretty Reckless 
The Pretty Reckless is one of my favorite modern bands. "Going to Hell" didn't disappoint. I'm a huge fan of rock, and Taylor Momsen is a brilliant singer. "Heaven Knows" has quickly become my anthem through out the year, and the music video is simply brilliant. "Follow Me Down", "Going to Hell", "Heaven Knows", "Absolution", "Sweet Things", and "Why'd You Bring A Shotgun to the Party" are some of my favorites. If you like it, also check out their debut "Light Me Up". It's amazing.
1989 by Taylor Swift 
Taylor Swift is amazing. 1989 was simply epic. Since it has an eighties tone to it, I fell in love with it. Her creativeness showed in "Out of the Woods", and the music video "Blank Space" was really well done. All of the songs are classics but my faves are "Welcome to New York", "Blank Space", "Style", Out of the Woods", "Shake it Off", and "Bad Blood." If you haven't listened to at least one of these songs before, then you've simply been living under a rock. Go listen to them now.
Classics by She & Him
At the time of writing this, the album didn't come out. However, I am such a huge fan of this charming duo that I'm going to have so much faith that it's amazing. In the mean time, check out 'Stars Fall On Alabama" and 'Stay Awhile". Zooey's voice is amazing and I'm so excited about this release.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

We Didn't Start the Fire

During the past four weeks of the work on the MOOC, we talked about the technology and the future. We also explored the ideas of a dystopia and of what our society might turn out to be in the next few years as it progresses. We've noticed the sense of addiction that we as a society have on technology. I've seen this in the videos that the MOOC has through out the course. However, with that being said, we must ask what has lead to this progression.

My answer: we didn't start the fire.

For those of you who might know, that lyric is from the Billy Joel song, We Didn't Start the Fire. The song talks about historical events such as Watergate, and cultural icons such as U2. The song relates to our class and the ideas that we've learned because we didn't start the fire. We've been progressing since it's early days from fire, to the invention of the wheel. We didn't start the fire of technology, we've only enhanced it and made it burn even more.

As a human race, we're always looking out to better ourselves and the way that we do things across the world. I believe that it started with our ancestors. Every generation is more advanced than the one before it. It's not necessarily a bad thing, as we have seen in the MOOC. It can lead to more advances in the medical field, and give more opportunities to the field of education. It can lead to negative things, because then it sparks addiction and perhaps helps lose social skills.

The song "We Didn't Start the Fire" ties into those ideas for that exact reason. We really didn't start the fire, and we may never know who actually did. However, I do know one thing. It will always burn as the world keeps turning.

Friday, November 28, 2014

That Time I Dressed Like Jess Day.

For Halloween, I had the best costume ever. Like seriously, and it's not even to pat my own back or anything, it was seriously that awesome. I was going to be Jess Day from New Girl. And I actually had plans to go and do something. Sound awesome? Well wait for it.
A week before Halloween, I began to have pain in my left upper leg/thigh area. Since I am fairly active, I thought I must have sprained something. However, when I went to take a shower, it was a huge red spot. Touching it caused massive amounts of pain. When I went to the doctor, I found out that I had cellutitis. That my friends, changed every bit of plans that I've had pretty much for about a few weeks. Instead, for Halloween, I was a real life couch potato.
However, I was disappointed that I had this awesome costume, and didn't wear it. So, once I got better, I did. And took pictures of it. Here's me being Jess Day, well for a day.
Whose that girl, whose that girl? It's Jess!


Thursday, November 27, 2014


Hey everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you near and far. I hope that you have a lovely day, doing whatever it is that you all do on Thanksgiving. As for me, I'll be eating at the local diner with my mom and grandma. #turntupforwhat
I wanted to take a moment to list what I was thankful for, because I feel like I take too much in my life for granted. I have so many things that I am lucky to have, so I wanted to take a moment and share them with you. So, here's what I'm thankful for, 2014 edition.
A chance to get an education. Although I complain about it, I am so lucky to have the chance to go to school and make something out of myself. Not many people have the chance to do that, especially women. I am so lucky that I have the chance to go out there and make a name for myself.
My awesome mother. My mom is like Lorelei Gilmore. She killed for me to have a better life than herself. Although we don't get along that often, I do appreciate all that she has done for me on a daily basis.
My closest friends. All of my friends are in different stages and places. I am grateful for all of my closest friends, because without them listening to me complain about the world, I wouldn't be anywhere. Each and every one of you, pictured or not, are awesome in your own unique way and I am so glad that you're in my life.
A chance to do something I love in college. I am so grateful for the fact that I get to be an editor for my college newspaper. I learned so much about layout, and about my field from it. I am so grateful for that opportunity, and to make ties with some amazing people.
My blog. And the people who read it. Thank you all for reading this blog. When I was just starting out, I used to spam my friends to read this blog. It's grown a lot since then, and I think that it's just great. I personally think that blogging is a great way to express myself, and I am so lucky for the opportunities, personal and professional that it gives me.
What are you thankful for? Tell me, I would like to hear it. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Shocking Images Behind Robbie

While watching the video Robbie, I was shocked. Why are so many people so addicted to being a part of a world that isn't even real? For some of these people the virtual has taken over the reality. However, their behavior is similar to our own.
In the movie, the people showcased were addicted to video games. You would think that the gamer community would center on teens and people in their twenties. But, this video shows that gamers are also people in their thirties and with families. I was shocked with how much they sacrifice to get their games going. However, I do think that this behavior mirrors our own, especially with our addiction to our iPhones/Androids.
We are addicted to our phones. Instead of watching television shows, I am on Twitter live tweeting them. We are addicted to Instagram, where we take pictures instead of taking in the moment. We are addicted to posting about where we are on Facebook or on Twitter rather than enjoying being there. Have you ever had this experience? I know that I am guilty of it.
Have we become a society that has evolved to communicating looking behind screens rather than looking at each other? I think so. Whether it's my day to day college experience when my peers and I are on social media rather than talking to each other, to being a part of the blogger community, I can see that technology has changed us. And not for the better.
I believe that each and every one of us can see that Robbie shows us how much we've been using technology as our crutch. What can we do to undo this change? Get off our phones, read an actual book or just simply leave the phones behind and enjoy each other's company.

Looking Past the Colors.

On Monday night it was announced that the police officer that had shot the Micheal Brown would not be charged with the crime of killing the 18 year old.  Ever since then, Ferguson and the surrounding areas have been involved in complete and utter chaos. Why did he roam free, when clearly he was guilty? Why did he get to walk free?
The issue here isn't about the verdict-its about justice and inequality between the races.
This man clearly should have been guilty in my opinion. As a journalist, I feel like justice should have been served. He killed a person, and should be punished for it. The evidence pointed towards that exact thing. Plain and simple, right?
Unfortunately, that's not always the case in our justice system.
Everyone deserves a chance for their voice to be heard. Everyone deserves a chance to have a say in what goes on. It shouldn't become a black thing nor should it be a white thing. Everyone deserves to feel like they can walk the streets of America without worrying because of their race, they are considered to be less than those who are walking next to them. I believe that justice wasn't served, yes, however, I do believe that it's also important to realize that there are two sides to every story. Maybe the police officer didn't have a chance to have his voice heard. We should also give him a chance to speak his mind, as well as everyone else who has been affected. We will never know what happened that night.
Around my campus there was a protest about the verdict. I didn't participate in it, however, I do have something to say about it. As a journalist, I am proud to see my fellow classmates assemble peacefully to get their voices heard. As an American, I wish that I can do more to give further justice for those who don't have a voice.
So, that's where this blog comes in.
I believe that to get past this in the future, we should look past all of the colors. To instead judge by the color of the skin tone, but by the warmth of the person. To shoot only when you need to defend yourself or your family, and not because that person is black, white or even purple.
For a brighter tomorrow, we have to move foreward. Racism is something that exists today. I believe in having an open mind, but it shouldn't be with me alone. It should be something that is shared with my peers, readers, family, and friends.
Let's look past the colors for a brighter tomorrow. Let's let everyone be equal. Although we live in a free country, I myself know that freedom ain't free.
So, let's change that.
I dare you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Things I Love Tuesdays-Intials

I like having things that are personalized to my own liking. I like how it's something that is sort of made for me, even though I know that I am not the only one with the 'N' initial. I have jewelry, and I have stationary, and I am so happy with those investments. Here's what I recently have acclimated to my initial collection, however I am excited to continue growing it.
Want your initials on a necklace? Fifth & Mae has you covered. Their initial necklace is inexpensive, and it's really great quality. Mine is silver, however if you don't like it then it comes in rose and yellow gold.
Want your initials on a pad? I got mine as a gift, but craft stores such as Michaels and JoAnn has them for about a dollar!
Want your initials on a ring? Even though it's discontinued, you can find them on Amazon! Dogeared has amazing initial jewelry. I recently got the N one and I haven't taken it off since! You can find them anywhere from TJ Maxx to Amazon. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Music Monday: I Will Always Love the Eighties.

The eighties is one of my favorite times, musically. Ever since I've watched movies such as Pretty In Pink, Dirty Dancing, and of course the famous Breakfast Club. It's safe to say that I have an obsession with the 80s, however if it's something that is good, then you roll with it.
It's my favorite musical time period because most of the music is amazing. Whenever I listen to their music, I literally have the world's biggest smile on my face. It's such a happy tune, and it has some of my favorite music. Whether it's the theme from the Breakfast Club, or Dirty Dancing, it's just awesome.
Want to join me in my eighties jam sesh? Well, that's radical. Here's some of my favorite tunes of the decade. #rockon

Natalie's 80s Playlist:

  • I Heard a Rumor by Bananarama
  • I've Had the Time of My Life by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
  • What A Feeling by Irene Cera
  • Don't You Want Me by Human League 
  • Walk Like An Egyptian by the Bangles 
  • Be Your Man by Jesse Johnson
  • Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi 
  • Careless Whisper by George Michael
  • Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham! 
  • Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Society and the Single Girl-How Do I Know?

Everyone says this so much that it's becoming a cliché. When it's right, you'll know. However, I am getting so tired of hearing it. I constantly question it. How do I know that he likes me? How do I know that he's the one? 
I think at some point or another, we've all been there. I'm at the point when I hear the whole when it's right you'll know thing that I want to throw a shoe at them. The people that tell me these things are hypocrites, in my opinion. The marriage of me parents' generation, or at least some of them, often end up in divorce court, rather than to their 50th. I am from that generation, a living and breathing ball of uncertainty about relationships. After all, my dad who was supposed to love me, support me, and never leave me,  left me. How can someone whose not tied to me by blood not do the same?
When it's right you'll know? Well sometimes I fear running out on a pure limb because I worry that I will look stupid. I worry that on some occasion knowing can be wrong and the things that I know turn out to be wrong. I worry that what I believe to be true may very well not be.
I wish that there was some way, sure fire way, of knowing if someone is meant to be your soulmate or even likes you enough to stay with you for the time being. It would save a lot of tears, although Ben and Jerry's would be in trouble. If that were invented, then my life would be easier.
Since we don't live in a perfect world where people recite perfect words that sound like poetry, I reckon that I'll have to settle for swimming in the seas of uncertainty, versus riding in a love boat. How will I know if someone really loves me? Whitney sang that and it made her a top ten hit. But since I'm not a famous singer, I'll ask whoever loves me to 'volunteer as tribute' and stand foreword. However, Prince Charming may no be reading my blog.
Bottom line. Relationships are tricky, and maybe in a year from now I'll actually be in one instead of writing blog entries complaining about my singleness. However, in a year from now, who will know what happens? However, we are not alone. The best thing that we got to help us is our gut instinct.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aspects of Being Human-MOOC Week Three

In the video 'Heart to Heart", we see an interesting yet true take on human contact. We see how people connect better in instances of internet, and texting connection. However, towards the end of the video, the guy picks up the landline. This really got me thinking. Are we slowly losing the skills to connect with others in ways that are not behind a screen?
I think that we are. Slowly but surely, cell phones have replaced the need for someone to pick up the phone to call someone. Why would you want to call them, while you can just shoot them off with a quick text? In 'Heart to Heart' we see that the need to still have closely knit interaction to be an important one. I think that we should focus on that more because one day technology will fail us.
I ask you all to look at something. How old were you when you got a cell phone? I was 11 years old. This was in 2005 when cell phones only did a fraction of what they did now. Now, almost ten years later I wonder what I did without it.
We are slowly but surely raising a generation that will be more comfortable behind screens than behind people. Selfies will replace the need for a camera. However, with that being said, we still need to remember the importance of face to face contact. That is what the true message behind the commercial is. 

Photo Diary...What I've Been Doing..

Hey guys!
So I haven't really been doing too much. But I like to do these kinds of posts, because they are fun and I really enjoy taking pictures for them. Here's what I've been up to, since a picture is 1,000 words, right?
I've been drinking a lot of coffee! My personal faves are Panera's Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, and Dunkin's new sugar coffee coffee!
My dog stole my heating pad cause she wanted to be cozy.
I've been crafting a lot. Here's two of my recent creations.

Fall foliage! #basic

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Society & The Single Girl-Selfies and Happiness.

Recently, I saw two articles that discussed relationships and their correlation to happiness. One  of the articles argued that couples or a single half of a couple who posted a significant amount about their significant other is insecure about themselves or the relationship. The other article argued that couples who post a lot on the contrary are happy.
I would like to have a say in that, if you all don't mind. 
Ever go on Instagram, and find that another picture from that so-called happy couple? I have and whenver I do see it I want to ask them what is the motivation behind you posting so many selfies? I get it your happy. But posting about it every single day? Uhm, I am sorry but I am sure that you have other things going on in your life besides your significant other. #sorrynotsorry
I believe that if you are truly happy than you often do not need the justifications of someone else's likes on your profile or post. I see it all of the time--if I go to a friend in a relationship's profile, I do expect to see something about the relationship. Whether it be that they actually are in one, a selfie of them going to a dance, celebrating a relationship milestone, and of course, them doing stuff together, you are going to post about your significant other. They are important people in your life. However, there comes a time when it gets sickening. That my friends, is when we do too much of it. I am talking about a couples picture every other day. A selfie of you 'thinking about your boyfriend or girlfriend.' A status every day talking about how long you have been together, or how 'blessed' you are to have them. Yes, you are blessed to have them. But, after a while, give me a break. I am  not a bitter single girl, I just want to see something other than 'bae' posts from you every other day.
I am a private person. I do not post very much on my Facebook unless its about my articles I write at my school's newspaper, a picture or two from when I went somewhere with a friend, and a status about my accomplishments. I also have my work information and where I go to college on there as well, because I feel like that's something that I am proud of. However, I do not know if I would post about my relatonship right away. 
I would eventually. Just not for a couple of months. 
Looking at me like I have two or three heads? Well, let me explain something to you. I think that we often forgo privacy whenver we post onto Instagram, write a tweet, or post a life event. I would promote doing it, after a few weeks. I wouldn't change my Facebook status just yet, because I want to enjoy the perks about being a girlfriend. In due time, I would post about it on facebook, on my blog, and everywhere. When it comes to selfies and statuses, I think that you should post whenever you want to. Not on a daily basis, because that is ridicolous. But, if you are doing something chances are you are going to take a picture of it. If you are celebrating your anniversary, go ahead and post it. I follow those laws, because I do not think that relationships should strive on the approval of others, but rather the approval of yourself. 
I have heard once that by hiding your relationship on social media is a form of being ashamed of who you are as a relationship. However, I think that hiding it or posting sparingly, is something that should be applauded. Why? You rely on your own satisfaction, not on the justification of other people 'liking' it.So, I think you should post as much as you want...but then realize the importance of loving your relationship for you, and not for the likes.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Should Stores Be Open on Thanksgiving?

Recently on the news I have heard that some stores are opting to open Thanksgiving night instead of the wee hours of Black Friday morning. The mall in my local area was now making it manatory for the stores to open their doors then. It really got me thinking to how Christmas is overpowering Thanksgiving to the point where it even takes over the actual holiday.
Black Friday is the official start of the Christmas Holiday shopping season. However in recent years, it's slowly inched its way up to Halloween and even earlier. Some stores have even opted to switch Halloween decorations for Christmas ones. At the end of the day, it's all because of one thing-profit.
I am a huge fan of the Christmas holidays. I enjoy gingerbread as much as the next girl, and even enjoy watching Snoopy holiday specials. (I even own them.) However, Thanksgiving is a holiday that deserves to be celebrated as well. Thanksgiving, although it's not as comerical as Christmas, it's a holiday that really is about being thankful for the things that you do have as well as enjoying some quality time with your family. And, of course the Thanksgiving Day Parade, which is always on my television screen each and every year.
By opening on Thanksgiving night, you're not even giving people who work in retail the chance to enjoy some rest of the holidays before the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I think that there should be a law against such thing, because workers really need to enjoy their holiday break to spend time with their families. I'm all about shopping, however, it can wait til Black Friday morning to get those deals.
Profit is something that comes and go, however, allowing people to enjoy time off with their families is priceless. 
What do you think about the stores opening their doors in late Thanksgiving night?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Society and the Single Girl: Labels

Boyfriend. Girlfriend. Fiancee. Husband. Wife. Friends with benefits. Friends without the benefits. 
When staring at these things, what do you think they all have in common? I will give you a moment to ponder this as you are getting a pencil, slash getting a cup of coffee. Okay, you give up. Okay I will tell you since I am a good person and all. 
The following nouns that I have just shared with you are labels for relationships. Labels are something that cause you to put something or someone into a category, and make them that certain thing. Labels are something that add pressure to the relationship. But, where do the pressures of labels come from you may ask?
Well, it comes from society. From watching others on your social media newsfeed who are happy in love because their significant other gave them chocolate and roses on Valentine's Day while you're lucky enough to even get a 'Happy V-Day' text. We live in a society where a relationship label is sort of like a check point. Let's take the expectations of the word 'boyfriend.' A boyfriend is someone who you go out with on a whatever you want basis, buys you presents and tells you that you're the most gorgeous thing in the world. It's been a while since I have had one of those, but if memory and the help of watching a ton of chick flick movies serve me right, that's the way that it goes. But what is the need to put a label on something deriving from? Can we just have fun without putting a sticker on it?
We need labels for those perfect people out there. They are those people who have the perfect relationship with the perfect boyfriend. They are the ones that post about their bae being the best in the world. They ones who will have the perfect wedding and the perfect children where the cycle of perfection will then continue with a bang. They are the ones who ask you what is going on with that guy who you are hooking up with, and then judge you since there is no indicator whether or not you are just friends with benefits or something more. 
Those people pressure you to a mold. We live in a society where we can write our own 140 status updates, but when it comes to writing our own rules for our relationship patterns we often fall short of having something to say. The relationships that we have sometimes don't need a label. However, because we are in the world where we need to 'ship it or make it Facebook offical, we need to come up with those labels. 
I am a semi-fan of the label. I like them because then you know kind of what to expect. If I ever get a boyfriend, I know to expect that I am hopefully the only girl that he is doing stuff with, and that I can introduce him as my boyfriend. I don't like them because we are not a black and white society. Instead the lines are blurred. Of our genders, and of each other in general. Therefore, we can not expect relationships to fit those black and white labels. 
Let's just leave the labels for when we go shopping, and out of our love lives. Wouldn't that be easier?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MOOC Week 2-The Progress of Education

In the videos "A Day Made Out of Glass 2" and "Bridging Our Future", it shows the future of education based on technology. In 'A Day Made Out of Glass 2', it shows tablets as being little pieces of glass that people in the society use for pretty much everything under the sun. In the classroom, it was used as a white board to help you learn things in a more efficient manner. In 'Bridging Our Future', there's tablets being used as notebooks, and the same white computer board being used as a blackboard.
In college, I use my computer for my notes, so seeing the tablet thing isn't really a shock. However, it's weird to see it in settings that are not my college lecture halls. I think that in the future, paper will soon becomes something that is obsolete, to the happiness of many trees. However, in these videos, there's more than the content that is being taught here. There's also a habit of addictive behavior that is being taught.
By having all of this information at our fingertips, we are giving the children easy access to anything and everything that they want to learn. However, when that bleeds into our educational lives, sometimes things don't come easily. Sometimes, you can't Google information, and actually have to read books.
In those videos, I do however think that having more technology in the classroom can be a good thing. By giving children more access to technology, you're giving them a chance to excel better. By them googling they become more curious, which is the key foundation of education. It may not be a perfect solution to have everything available to us easily, however, we do have look at both sides of the argument. 


Hey guys! It's hard to believe that it's November. I still feel like summer was yesterday and not like three months ago. Where did the time go? Anyways, since it's been a while since I've told you all about my life, here's what I've been up to:

  • Currently getting really excited to get my car soon! That's right blogging audience, I can drive! I got my license, finally, a few months ago, and the high still has yet to wear off. I was lucky enough to get a car from my grandma's dead brother. Since I am the only one out of all my cousins who didn't have a car at the time, I got it. However, since it took me a while to get my license, I am just now getting it in driving condition. But since it's a 2001 Honda civic, I do unfortunately have to worry about the whole recall thing. Fun. But yay, cars!
  • Currently looking at different ways to curl my hair. I'm really getting into the whole curly hair thing, like Carrie Bradshaw has in the early seasons of Sex and the City. I have somewhat wavy hair, but I really want to have her similar hairstyle going on. If you all have some tips for curling hair, let me know!
  • Currently, I am not ready for finals.
  • Currently, I want my friends to come home so I can annoy them on a local level. Griffin, and Gabriel you know those two clowns.
  • Currently, I am looking foreword to having some time off soon to be thankful for life. 
What's up with you all?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You Don't Need A Relationship To Define You.

You heard me right. 
It seems like we live in a world that is just hungry for love. We're hungry for the feeling of knowing that someone's yours, to hold and to love no matter what happens to them. It's exciting to have someone to go see the lame movies that you like, buy you flowers when they pick you up, and to have a life with. However, newsflash. 
You don't need a relationship to do those things.
What I really don't get is that couple pictures get a lot of likes on the social networking site, but when it comes to posts about things like peace, then we fall short. Sure, love is something that is worth celebrating, but when we put too much empathy on solely having someone to be with, to change your name to someone else's, you lose sight of what's really important. In addition to that, when you don't have a significant other or anyone in the picture for that matter, you're pretty much feeling like crap because everyone around you, it seems like, has a relationship in their lives.
And that has got to stop. 
Relationships shouldn't define the person. Accomplishments, personality, taste of music, and all of those kinds of things should. Relationships are the things that we strive to have, more than a career, or more than even money. What does all that matter if we can't spend the holidays snuggled up with a husband? 
I believe that you don't need a relationship to be happy. I don't hate men, but I am independent. I don't take someone's crap for fear of being alone. I don't want to blend into a 'we', I want to blend into something that 'me, and him'. I believe that there's more than falling in love and finding the perfect man. Is that something that has gone out the window?
I've watched this on Sex and the City. You can never have it all. You either pick a man or you pick a career. Well, screw that. I think that you can have it all. Sure, you make sacrifices for relationships. But you should make them not because you want to keep them, but rather the relationship is a healthy combination of mutual respect. I say that sometimes it's going to be hard. 
I see some people's social media profile, and I am bombarded with a constant update on their relationship or why they love their boyfriend 'so much.' I get that you love them, otherwise you wouldn't be with them. However, I don't need to be reminded of this every time I scroll through my newsfeed. I wonder about what happened to the 'me' in the relationship. I see girls in unhealthy relationships, when they have everything in the world going for them, and they are so depressed because they are addicted to what their boyfriends are giving them. 
I refuse to leave my obituary to be about how I was some man's devoted wife who did whatever he said blindly. I want to be the wife who adopts two or three children from underprivileged countries. I want to have a successful career as a journalist. I want friends, even after I say my 'I dos.' I want a life that is more than just being someone's honey. I refuse to let a relationship become the definition of me.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Music Monday-The Heart Wants What It Wants

I am really not a fan of Selena Gomez's music whatsoever. It's not that I don't think it's not good, I am really not a fan of pop music except for maybe Taylor Swift. I saw on E! that she had come out with a new single about her train wreck relationship with Justin Beiber. From what they showed, the video looked really good. So, I decided to check it out.
And I loved it. 
The song is so beautiful, raw, and emotional. The way that she sings you can tell that it's from the heart, and she's really feeling what she's singing. It captures all of the pain of loving someone that you yourself know that's not good for you. I love music like that because it's so original and it made the song so beautiful.
And believe it or not, I love the video. I'm usually not into music videos whatsoever. However, I feel in love with the way that it is, from the emotional phone message, to the black and white simplicity of it. It's such an emotional and beautiful video. I really enjoyed it, and for someone who really doesn't care for Selena's music, that's a long stretch.
Well done, Selena. 
Want to see her video? Check it out, cause you should.