
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've been thinking about cake, lately. When getting my birthday cake (it's purple and has Snoopy on it), the box showed the occasions that cake has been sold in. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, confirmation, etc. Then I got to thinking: why does every occaison have to be marked by a cake? Why isn't it marked by something else, like pie, or a giant cookie or something.
But, there are businesses and television shows that are devoted to showcasing a baker's talent. Like Buddy on Cake Boss. That guy takes cake making to a whole different level. The cake boss literally makes pieces of art, not cake. The ones that were on last night's episode were purely amazing. Buddy, if you ever are reading this, kudos to you.
But, the thing that baffles me the most is why is it always cake?
But then, I got to thinking. Cake is something that we can share for years to come. Cake is like blue jeans; it comes in many different colors, shapes and sizes. There are vanilla cakes, chocolate cakes, red velvet cakes, and carrot cakes. (amoungst others). Each and every cake is like a symbol, to the person, to mark the celebration.
Maybe that's why we put candles in cakes instead of a birthday cookie.

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