
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


To accomplish great things we must surround ourselves with great people. In a sea of doubtful people and in a fast talking world, we quickly find ourselves wanting to crawl into a corner to gather our bearings, and to put our ducks in a row. Sometimes, we need a comforting shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold. They are the ones who say that we can do something, truly do something, and encourage us to get up when we feel emotionally paralyzed. They are the ones who tell us that good things would happen to us whenever it's raining outside.
If we surround ourselves with negative people then we could think negatively. Those who think negatively tend to have a negative outlook on life. However, with positive outlooks we can feel that something good is about to engulf us. It's better than going home and crying to a cup of Ben and Jerry's. That's not fun.
I like to say that I'm surrounded by people who make me feel good about myself. I hope that they can say that I do the same.
I'm going to kick all of my negative habits to the curb. They aren't good, and they aren't things that we should be proud of carrying. Bags of luggage that we shouldn't desire to carry. So the point of this blurb of wittiness? Surround yourself with those who make you feel good about yourself.

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