
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Happy Boxing Day to my fellow readers, bloggers, and other people who happen to be roaming around the internet. I hope you all had a great holiday, and a great day yesterday.
I personally wanted to wish each and every one of my readers a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah (whatever you celebrate.) Yes, it's belated, but I still believe that it's better late than never right? I personally wish I can thank each and every one of you for reading, for commenting, and just you know clicking on over here. Some of you are friends, others are complete and total strangers. But thanks so much for reading and being a part of my blog for the year and a half that I've been here. It's much appreciated, so I personally am thankful.
This Christmas was awesome. I got to spend it with my family. For us, Christmas Eve is the day that we have the bigger dinner (since we're Italian we are having fish, natch) and open up our presents. It was a good way to catch up with my cousins, uncle, and my grandma, since I rarely see them. One of them is a manager at the local grocery store, another one goes to the same college as me, and plans to become a teacher, and my other cousin goes to school in Rhode Island. Since Christmas is the time that everyone isn't working or socializing, it's a good way to see family. Plus, the fact that there was a lot of really good cookies there also was a good thing.
Christmas Day was also a good day. My mother and I exchanged gifts in the morning. Some gifting highlights include; a daughter Alex and Ani, a cardigan (that I am wearing right now), and some awesome new pjs. Then, we went to Grandmas for Christmas dinner. And yes there was more good cookies. All and all, it was a good day. My favorite part of it was getting to actually sleep in and go to bed early. Lame, I know.
The best part of Christmas, at least this year, was being able to actually give something back to my mom, grandma, and cousins. Yes, it's fun to get gifts. However, it felt amazing to give back to people. I felt so good about that, because this holiday is much more than receiving. I can't wait until I reach my dream and write a bestselling novel just to give to my family.
All, and all it was a good Christmas. How was your holiday? I would love to hear the stories about crazy grandmas, and what your awesome boyfriend got you. Feel free to comment below, or to email or tweet me. Internet, I am listening.

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