
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why I Love My Blog; Belated Bloglatine's Day

Hey guys! So I'm linking up with I Have A Messy Bun, and Noor's Place, and doing a link-up called Blogatine's Day, which is in honor of our blogs. I've decided to take a moment to honor my blog, to make sure that it feels loved. I'm so excited to be linking up with them, and to show some bloggy love. Even though it's a day late. But hey, better late then never right? Am I right?

Why Do I Love My Blog?
I love my blog because I have a place where I can truly be myself. I love that I can write about anything I want, whenever I want, and have it still be awesome. Over the years, my writing abilities have expanded, as did my blog. I'm so proud to call myself a blogger.
I love my blog, because it's me. I love being able to write about things that I love. I like that sometimes, on Mondays I can write about the music that I love. I like that I can talk about subjects that I like to read, and write what's on my mind. I can't really explain it better than that. It's just great to have my own place to shine. The internet has that power to it, doesn't it?
What I like best about blogging is the sense of community. In the short time that I've been aware of it, I've been a huge fan. I think that it's so great that there's thousands of others who blog just like me. Even though I will never meet them, I know that these people are awesome. (Except Emma from The World According to Emma) I actually go to the same school has her. But blogs like Sunshine and SinatraLife is But a Stream of Thoughts, and countless others remind me that I'm not the only one here doing this blog thing. And that makes me feel awesome. I love doing linkups, because it's a great opportunity to meet new bloggers and see what they love to write about. I'm looking forward to having new favorite blogs to read in the future.
So, in essence, that's why I love my little blog. 


  1. I am so glad to read it all. Loving your blog is important . I hope you WILL become an awesome writer :)
    Thank you for linking up!

  2. aw thank you so much :) I'm so glad to be able to!

  3. Starting a blog was the best decision of my life! I'm glad you've started your blog, things will get more fun!
    Thanks for linking up :)

  4. I find blogging to be an extension of myself. I am so glad you have found an outlet and I hope to stick around and watch you grow. I'm going to follow you on bloglovin' right. NOW.


    Danielle Faith @

    1. Aw thank you! This comment made my day! I shall follow you back. Right. Now.
