
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

TGBL-"Respect Yourself".

So excited to be linking up again with Hayley and Lauren in their weekly linkup "The Girl Between the Lines"! This week's topic is talk about a lesson in life that you wish you've learned earlier in life. My lesson is to respect you. Read on to figure out why I picked this. 
Girl Between the Lines Link up
Okay, so picture a little overweight awkward high school freshman surrounded by skinny beautiful girls whose bible was the Clique novels. She wears glasses, and was obsessed with the picnik website.She wanted friends, a boyfriend, and just to be popular. She loved music, singing and was considered an outcast.
Ladies and gentlemen, that girl was me.
Now, fast forward (can you believe six years) to 2014. That same little girl lost her baby fat, gained some friends, and honestly doesn't give a crap. She's not popular, but she has a lot of friends. She's a single lady because she doesn't want to date someone that's just there for no apparent reason. She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner.
What happened to cause that change?
Well, let's talk about it. Between that time period, I got a couple of boyfriends, most of them lasted less than a week. I went through a terrible breakup and learned the hard way that no matter how much you wish that you want something then maybe it doesn't happen. I lost my self esteem, had depression, lost a ton of weight in a way that I wish I didn't, grieved the loss of my grandfather, and went through a lot of other stuff. During that time, friends came and went, styles came and went.
One thing that I wished that I learned while going through all of that was that you need to respect yourself and your needs. You're the one that has to deal with all of that. You're the one that doesn't need the people that bring you down. You don't have to apologize for being different, although high school doesn't exactly make it easy to stand out. I wish I learned that I didn't need the boy who told me that I wasn't good enough because then maybe I wouldn't have dealt with my body issues and handled them the way that I did. I wish that I didn't have to deal with that, however that made me a stronger person.
If I knew that then maybe I wouldn't  have dealt with that. However, there's something about learning lessons the hardway. It makes you a stronger person, and you know that whatever happiness that comes your way is something you fought hard for and deserve it. 


  1. Learning lessons the hard way definitely makes you stronger and allows you to share those lessons with others! Great post!

  2. That last sentence is so true!!
    I was the same way in high school. It really sucked. :/
    I'm glad to hear you're doing much better now. c:

