
Saturday, March 15, 2014

What I Am I Doing This Spring Break?

Hey guys, so yesterday marked my first day of spring break. Which is going to consist of endless catching up on my blog, TV shows, and life that's outside of school. Here's some activities that I will be going over my break!

Homework; Okay, so my professors don't understand that spring break is actually a break, not a time to do things. Anyways, over the break I'm going to be spending some time with my lovely textbooks, because in college work never rests.
Catching up on TV shows; You all don't know how many TV shows that I need to catch up on. It's crazy. Thus, I am going to be watching lots of Nashville, actually start the Carrie Diaries, and Scandal. I'm actually considering getting a Hulu plus account for that purpose.
Sleeping; As a college student, getting a chance to sleep in is a must.
Blogging/Writing; Writing is something that I enjoy very much. Using this time to write more awesome blog entries, cause you know that's what you all live for. In addition to my blog, I'll be working on some fiction, lryics, and perhaps a novel! Oh my!
Reading; Working at a library has caused me to have many books to want to have that I should probably read some of them.
Hanging out with Friends: Gabriel comes home this week, so I look forward to spending a lot of time with him. In addition to that, I will be spending time with other friends.

So, that pretty much sums up my spring break. Exciting I know. What are you doing for Spring Break, if you didn't already have it?


  1. I highly suggest hulu plus, along with Breaking Bad and American Horror Story. c;


    1. I got netflix, but I'll be sure to check out those! thank you so much!
