
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Who Are You To Judge?

Something that really bothers me is people who are close minded people. You know, the kind of people that think that their way is the right way, which really bothers me because you know deep down in your gut that it’s not right for you. Although its 2014, there are people in this world that exist just to tell you that you’re not perfect enough for them. Whether it may be an act that you oh so wrongfully committed, or just being different from you. I hate that the world can be so black and white and that these kind of people still exist.
                I have a friend whose parents are ministers, and they are the least judgmental people that you could ever meet. My friend is gay, and they accept it because that’s who my friend is meant to be. In my sophomore year of high school, I was a part of this club that was about being Christian and celebrating their devotion. Honestly, some of the people were the most judgmental people that I have ever met. And that makes me sad, because isn’t the point of being Christian, and being devout to God is in fact to be open minded about several issues?
I’ve, like many of you out there, have done things that I’m sure as hell not proud of. I’m sure that the person that whose saying that because of my actions that I’m going to hell has done the same thing too. Isn’t the point of Christianity is to be all loving even when we do things that we’re going to regret?
                It’s sad that people out there still exist. So, someone doesn’t believe the same things you do? Big deal. This is America, where we have a different melting pot of religions, opinions, and ways of living. Naturally you’re going to meet someone who doesn’t do something exactly like you do. The thing is that just because someone’s different than you, it doesn’t mean that you have the right to judge them. In fact, the only person that rightfully can judge me or anyone for that matter is God.
                What bothers me the most about these kinds of people is that they use their religion as a shield to judge. Just because you’re judgmental, doesn’t mean that you can use your beliefs as an excuse. Just because you don’t think their way of living sucks, doesn’t give you the right to judge them. It doesn’t even matter whether or not you’re a parent or just some dude walking around on the street. You don’t have the right to judge anyone. What makes you better than me? There’s no such thing as a better human. I’m sorry. Well, not really.

                Yes, I’m catholic. Yes, I wear a cross everyday (although it’s not on my neck). I pray and read a passage of the Bible every night, and have a Saint in my room. But, that doesn’t make me any better or any worse than you. We are all human with needs, and I think that it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Being religious is cool, but using it as an excuse to judge people isn’t. 


  1. I totally agree! I think we, as Christians, get too caught up in the "what we should be doing" nonsense that we forget the main point of Jesus coming to the world in the first place. We're simply supposed to love Him and love others. How is judging people for being different than us loving? How is telling someone they're going to hell showing God's love? It's not. We all need to reevaluate what it means to be Christians and if it's not about loving God first and others second, we're doing it wrong. Great post!


  2. I hate people who judge, it's so annoying. It used to bother me more when I was younger. Now that I'm older, I just don't care as much. I'm more confident in my 30's than I was in my 20's.

    1. That's good to know. It's important to be confident.

  3. I couldn't agree more!! I never understand WHY people judge (well, I psychologically and biologically I do, but I don't understand why they say they don't judge when they do.)

    1. people are idiots-plain and simple. thanks for stopping by!
