
Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Should You Leave In Last Semester.

Ah, yes it's everyone's favorite time of year. Staples is giving school supplies away like it's their job (oh wait, it is), and every store is telling you that you need new clothes to arrive, and not go back to school in style. However, while going hard on all of these sales, maybe it's time to develop a new mentality, and leaving some things that were last semester, well last semester.
That bloke who forgot to call. Using British terms for the win. Let's say that you met someone awesome last semester, who took your breath away. *cue theme from Top Gun here* However, over the summer it seemed like he developed a case of amesia, or simply a touch of being obnoxiousitis. Girl, ain't nobody got time for that. Yes, you were drunk in love, but now you've sobered up to realize that he's a jerk. Simply, be civil by saying hi and not being a jerk. If asked about him, simply say 'I think he's good, but I haven't talked to him in a while.' That way, you're not gossiping about how he was such a jerk. So not your style.
Your crew causes more drama than the Kardashians. Who hates who this week? Whose talking s**t about who? Woah, this ain't 'The Hills,' honey. I hate drama more than anything. The only time I don't actually mind it is when I'm watching a Nichalas Sparks movie, and that's just because I actually am paying to see it. Otherwise, I want chill people surrounding me. I have no time for people wanting to sabotage the other, and I have no time for someone who just wants drama. Neither should you for that matter. I am trying, slowly but surely to get rid of unnecessary drama, because it's just that. Otherwise, they would bring you down, and who wants that?
Stop over planning. Okay, so being organized is pretty awesome. In fact, most professors would applaud it. However, somethings that you just can't plan. For example, life just happens. Many people plan to the point where we actually can't enjoy life. So, yes write down your appointments, and assignments. However, be sure to open to the unexpected. Once, I found myself in a neighborhood of my friend's, and really had to use the bathroom. I called him up, and I ended up spending the entire night with him which was nice. Did I plan that? Nope. But was it fun? Yup.
So, as you're buying new things to make the back to school experience shiny and new, be sure to pick up these awesome new habits. 

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