
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Goodbye, Goodbye, See You In December."

Many of you who are familiar to these parts know that Gabriel and I often have what is considered to be a long distance friendship. They go to school about 1,300 miles away from me, so we often have a really long summer, followed by not seeing each other until December. Then we hang out for a month, then we don't see each other for a month, then spring break. Then, the cycle continues. The first time it was really hard because who doesn't miss seeing your best friend every day?
But the thing about being so far away from each other is that you get to realize how important that person in your life. You realize that you're the luckiest person because they are in your life. Because of Gabriel, I learned that friendship isn't measured in the amount of frequency that you see each other, but how much you are really there for each other. They were there for me literally when I needed someone to cry to about bad days, and boy issues.
I loved spending all of the summer with Gabriel. I loved going to the beach together, getting pizza, getting thai food, and just hanging out. It's really rare to have a friend that you're able to just hang out with. Gabriel is the best friend that I could ever ask for. Sometimes, we do drive each other nuts, and I'm pretty sure that I can't live with them, because we'd end up killing each other. But, there are my 'person', and I wish them nothing but a great semester of them staying out of trouble.
I think sometimes having that friend in your life is important because then they grow with you, and they are always there. I am so lucky to have Gabriel in my life, despite the fact that I sometimes want to kill them. So, goodbye, goodbye. See you in December (possibly November)!

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