
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baby.

Three years ago today, I would be sitting down and writing my first post. 600 plus posts later, I still sit behind a laptop and blog about what truly makes me happy. Whether it's about my day to day life, opinions on a social issue, or even just some music that I've been listening to lately, my blog became my little corner of the world. My posting schedule can constantly change, however, one thing can be certain. I'm not going anywhere.
In the past three years so much has happened. Prom, graduating high school, and starting college. Casually dating someone and later learning that they weren't in fact right for me. Finally getting my driver's license, meeting new people, and of course the things that I choose to keep offline. I've grown and become a better writer than in my early days.
I still can't believe all of the opportunities that this blog has given me. I still can't believe that I have over 20,000 people who have read this little blog. I didn't realize that I am that interesting, and I hope as I continue to grow this blog, that I continue to make my presence on the internet known. I also plan to continue this blog's style of op eds, reviews, and of course a diary since this is my blog. I've been able to meet so many people, know their stories from just being a 'regular' on their page, and ultimately just connect.  Writing over 600 posts is insane to me, and to celebrate I bought myself a ring. (Cause, I'm worth it.)
Being a blogger is something that I used to hide behind, however, now I am proud of it. I constantly tell my friends that whatever we do will probably be in the blog. (Since I don't really hang out with that many people often, those posts are sparingly.)
So Happy Birthday to my little blog. Thank you for the opportunities that you've given me. And to those who are reading this, I want to personally thank you for sticking by me for all of these years. I hope to continue seeing you (or rather you seeing me since I'm the one whose page you visit.)
You know you love me,

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