
Monday, June 15, 2015

Music Monday: Making Light of my Old Car..

Happy Monday, everyone! I present a different format of this feature than what you are all used to. Instead of featuring my latest musical obsessions, I'm going to tell you what I've been buying lately-cassettes.
Before you say it's a throwback, let me say why I've been hitting up Amazon and eBay for some classic tunes. My new (to me) car sadly didn't come with a CD player, rather a tape player. So, because I like to be the one in control of what I'm listening to, I started asking family members and looking for tapes online. And thanks to that, I now have a small collection to listen to while driving.
I also would like to point out that I do have a cassette converter thing that you can plug your iPod in the car, however, since I'm still getting used to the car, I didn't want to have to fiddle with it every time I go to drive. So, until I get better and used to driving my car, tapes it will have to be.
Thanks to my mom, I now own the Madonna tapes "Like a Virgin" and "True Blue" as well as Foreigner's "Agent Provactor." Thanks to my grandparents, I now own "Tusk" by Fleetwood Mac, and a few others I've never heard of. (They were free, so why not?) Thanks to my eBay and Amazon finds I managed to find some of my favorite albums such as Ozzy's "No More Tears" and "Ozzmosis", as well as more Madonna and a Paula Abdul tape.
Even though I get throwbacks of listening to my old walkman, I am happy that I'm able to find tapes. Usually, they are about $3 at the most since not many people use them anymore, and I'm able to find many of the music albums I like since I like many songs from the 80s and 90s.
Overall, tapes have been my favorite musical obsession. I would have included a picture but many of the tapes I've ordered haven't arrived just yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Tape players in a car? That's amazing! It's the perfect combination of novelty and a unique experience: in addition to being able to play tunes on tape, you get to move around the countryside to the sound of old songs on a cassette. It's kind of weird to say this, since it was only a few years since cassettes were phased out, but that kind of ride is 'one of a kind' these days.

    Micheal Miller @ Butler Kia Fishers
