
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Book Review: Infamous by Lauren Conrad/Reading List Update

Yet another book is crossed off of my Summer Reading List. This book is known as "Infamous" by Lauren Conrad.
The book leaves off where the previous "Fame Game" novel left off. Gaby is coming back from rehab, Madison is adjusting to life without flame Trevor, Kate is focused on getting her image on point and Carmen is trying to figure out who is leaking personal information to the tabloids. The book deals with makeovers, and of course drama. (On and off camera)
Over the course of the novel, I've noticed a change in the characters. The biggest one is in Madison. Previously, she was the evil villian of the story, because she did just about anything for fame or personal gain. Now, she does things whether or not the camera is looking or if it buys her more time on the hit show. I also noticed a change in Kate. Orginally, she was the "good" girl who was innocent and naive. However, through out the course of the story, she began to change in order to do what was in her career's best interest. Towards the progress of her book, I felt like she began to lose who she was as a person and an artist.
The book was well written and an easy book to read. It was fast paced, and the way Conrad wrote made it easy to breeze through the pages. Plus, the plot was juicy which made it even easier to breeze through the pages. I really am a fan of the way Conrad writes, especially with the "Fame Game" series. She writes these novels with such insight that makes the voice of the story authentic and real.
Overall, if you've read "The Fame Game" and "Starstruck," you must  check out the final book in the series. Don't you want to know what happens next? I know I did! I'm so happy I finally got a chance to read this book this summer.
So, this also brings us to my reading list update. So far, I've read three books, and plan to hopefully start "I Am Ozzy" soon. (I've had it on my iPad for a while now!) Additionally, I've also read "We Are Liars," by e. Lockhart, "Love Rosie" and "The List." I'm currently reading "P.S. I Still Love You" by Jenny Han, which will eventually be a review posted up within the next week.
How's your summer reading going? Let me know in the comments below!
Reading List Update as of June 29:
Nice Is Just a Place in France by the Betches
The One and Only by Emily Giffin

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
The Complete works of William Shakespeare
I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne
The Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Fill In Boyfriend
Infamous by Lauren Conrad
Shopaholic to the Stars

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