
Monday, October 26, 2015

Music Monday: Confident by Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is amazing. I have been a fan of her since her Disney Channel days at Camp Rock, but unlike her Disney co-stars she's talented. Since then, she's evolved into my role model and one of my favorite singers. Demi has overcome some serious things, and the fact that she's come out of it alive and stronger is amazing. That's what makes her role model worthy. That, and she has an amazing voice. And her latest release, "Confident," showcases that. 
"Confident" starts off...well Confident. The title track comes first and raises up the question what's wrong with being confident? Nothing Demi, nothing. "Confident" contains summer anthem "Cool For the Summer," however it also contains ballad tracks such as "Stone Cold," "Mr. Hughes" and "Father" which showcase Demi's amazing voice. She pairs up with Iggy Azelia  and Sirah for songs "Kingdom Come" and "Waitin' For You," which create an amazing collaboration. "Confident" also contains amazing pop songs such as "For You," "Old Ways" and "Lionheart." 
I'm beyond impressed with Lovato's latest release. I will however admit I'm a bit biased because I'm a Lovatic, but still this album is just amazing music. Some of the topics Lovato covers include love/relationships, her relationship with her father, and her struggles. Those were topics that were present in previous albums, but in "Confident" I felt they were really done in a unique way.  The song "Father" is so beautifully done, and it can really bring tears to your eyes, which is why it's one of my favorites. "Confident" also has a more mature sound then her previous works, and really brings home the fact that she's graduated from the Disney Channel. 
"Confident" is definitely worth the listen, and definitely the best pop album of 2015 without a doubt. Demi Lovato, you didn't disappoint. Thank you for making an amazing albums. 
Songs to Listen to: Confident, Cool for the Summer, Old Ways, For You, Stone Cold, Kingdom Come, Lionheart, Yes, Father, Stars, Mr. Hughes


  1. But I thought the Disney co-stars were talented too!

    Haha but amazing blog post ; you = the best

    1. Lol aw this made my day! I love you too <3333
