I'm once again linking up with some awesome bloggers for the Friday Five! This Friday, I am going to tell you all about my top five favorite songs about the USA. You know, in honor of it being the Fourth of July, and all. So, sit back, and enjoy some awesome fireworks with the sounds of our favorite music, past and present blasting at your parties.
Made In The USA-Demi Lovato: Whenever I listen to this song, it just reminds me of a summer love. Nothing in my opinion is more romantic then falling in love in the summer, and of course, if you do this should be your song. The music video also kind of reminds me of the whole summer thing. Anyways, what better song to celebrate the USA with than none other than Demi Lovato?

Party In The USA-Miley Cyrus: The same thing as Demi. This song is one that has to be playing loud on your speakers at your fourth of July picnik.

Born In The USA-Bruce Springsteen: One word-classic. I pretty much love Bruce, and this song is one of my favorites.

American-Lana Del Rey: Another song for your summer love. Perfect for slow dancing, eh?

Firework by Katy Perry: You can't go to a fireworks display without hearing this song at least once.

What are your favorite songs about the good ol' USA? Happy birthday, America!
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