As a blogger, one of the necersary things to do is take a ton of pictures. Cause, you know you never know when you're going to need one for a post or something. And of course, the fact that I'm addicted to the insta doesn't exactly help with keeping the camera roll kind of low. (I really need to get an iPhone with a bigger memory!) Anyways, without further a due, here's some of the awesome highlights of the summer. All of them have been taken with none other than my fancy iPhone.

This summer, I went to the beach a lot. And took a lot of artsy landscape pictures. And selfies. I even went there for my birthday, which was nice because I loved going to the beach with Griffin, Elisia, and Gabriel. I also went to celebrate the end of summer, and ate lots of strawberry cupcakes, which were amazing.

Speaking of birthdays, I turned 20 over the summer, and spent it with my lovely best friends! We also ate a ton of cake, and had Starbucks. My birthday is in such a great time, because since there's no school, there's no need for me to actually care about anything. (Except maybe work, I take that back)

One of the best parts about summer was of course to spend time with my best friend Gabriel. Gabriel goes to school 1,200 miles away, so they are away for most of the school year. Having them around this summer was definately why it was such a good time. Once I say goodbye to them for a few days, the next time that I see them won't be until November and December. I'm going to miss them, but it's going to be nice to use my Skype again. We've also taken several selfies during this time period, in which you can see here.

I also got to see one of my other favorite people graduate high school. I also got to spend a lot of time with him, such as exploring New Haven, going to East Rock and falling, and treating him out for lunch as a graduation present. You may all know them as Griffin. He's going to school not to far away, so I look forword to visiting. (especially since I have Fridays off, and stuff.)

All and all, it was a good summer. As I gear up to start school tomorrow, I'm probably going to wish that I was back into summer mode. Can I start counting down the days til Winter Break, yet?

This summer, I went to the beach a lot. And took a lot of artsy landscape pictures. And selfies. I even went there for my birthday, which was nice because I loved going to the beach with Griffin, Elisia, and Gabriel. I also went to celebrate the end of summer, and ate lots of strawberry cupcakes, which were amazing.

Speaking of birthdays, I turned 20 over the summer, and spent it with my lovely best friends! We also ate a ton of cake, and had Starbucks. My birthday is in such a great time, because since there's no school, there's no need for me to actually care about anything. (Except maybe work, I take that back)

One of the best parts about summer was of course to spend time with my best friend Gabriel. Gabriel goes to school 1,200 miles away, so they are away for most of the school year. Having them around this summer was definately why it was such a good time. Once I say goodbye to them for a few days, the next time that I see them won't be until November and December. I'm going to miss them, but it's going to be nice to use my Skype again. We've also taken several selfies during this time period, in which you can see here.

I also got to see one of my other favorite people graduate high school. I also got to spend a lot of time with him, such as exploring New Haven, going to East Rock and falling, and treating him out for lunch as a graduation present. You may all know them as Griffin. He's going to school not to far away, so I look forword to visiting. (especially since I have Fridays off, and stuff.)

All and all, it was a good summer. As I gear up to start school tomorrow, I'm probably going to wish that I was back into summer mode. Can I start counting down the days til Winter Break, yet?
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