Hello everyone in the blogging world! Today I am linking up again with Ashley and Neely for a linkup called Sunday Social! (I linked up with them last week as well, you can check that out here.)
Anyways without further a due, here's my Sunday Social this week.
1. What is one item you wish you could splurge on right now
Probably the Om Sacred Studs bangle for Alex and Ani. I have about 13 of the regular kind, but I don't like things that dangle very much. Therefore, I want this bangle in silver, however since I'm running a bit short on money (textbooks will do that to you, gotta love being in college), I'm going to have to wait a while. #christmaslist

2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?
Go to the beach without a doubt. Either that or just watch tons of Gilmore Girls, seeing as I have the entire series on DVD.
3. What is the next place you are visiting outside of your current city?
Probably the beach or Griffin's college. Maybe even a grad school visit, since most of my schools tend to be in the city.
4. Are you a neat freak or a clutterbug?
Clutterbug with out a doubt. I try to be neat, but it always ends up being a giant mess again within the span of a couple of months. My mom is a neat freak to the ultimate extreme, and it's annoying because we often get into so many fights because of it.
5. What is your favorite summer purchase?
Either my Lokai bracelet, which is currently making it's way here (I prewrote this post, yay organized blogging!), or my ring. I can never pick just one thing.
Have a happy Sunday internet!
I miss the beach! I need to make my way there soon.